Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Begin: Take charge of your life by beginning something you have always wanted to do. If your goal seems overwhelming, start small.

Imagine: Your Imagination has no boundaries.. dreaming about something is the first step towards achieving it.

Laugh: Laughter is a direct route to the soul. It broadens your perspective, keeps you healthy, and makes an unbearable situation easier to deal with.

Believe: Set your mind to predict success. Tell yourself you will succeed at whatever you are doing at the moment.

Seek: Allow yourself to grow by exposing your vulnerability and insecurity. Don’t live strictly inside your comfort zone, don’t always play it safe.

Play: We can always find something that needs to be done and we forget how to have fun. Make a conscious effort to take time off, you will feel refreshed and able to think more clearly afterwards.

Trust: Being paralyzed by indecision is worse than making the wrong decision. you cant grow if you don’t trust your inner voice.

Listen: Try listening carefully to the other person's point of view first, without being pro-occupied or distracted. you will really hear what is being said and the other person is more likely to pay attention to your views.

Create: creativity maintains the balance in our lives. the more we use our creativity, the more it develops.

Connect: Relationships are what pull us through hard times, and make the good times meaningful. Take time to nurture the connections that uplift you.

Touch: Humans need touch to survive and thrive. Don’t forget to hug your loved ones. Pat your friends on the back, literally and figuratively.

Forgive: Forgiveness is life giving because it puts you in charge. You become empowered.

Pray: Prayer is asking god to transform the situation and become the heart of your life. Take time each day to nurture this connection.

Hope: Hope is the knowledge that even in the worst of times we can triumph over the hardship and sorrow and grow inspirit. Hope is what sustains humanity.

Choose: We can't always choose our circumstances, but we can choose our attitudes towards them.

Appreciate: Admire the good in yourself and in those around you.

Give: Happiness involves giving freely to others and not necessarily wanting something in return.

Read: Reading removes boundaries.

Write: Words are freedom. Words are power.

Release: Avoid doing something just because everyone thinks you should. Give yourself permission to relax.

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